Tyne Metropolitan college

A project to improve the education sectors understanding of local business needs and to help small and medium sized employers (SME) to grow.
All 98 SME’s engaged received a detailed business needs analysis which identified areas for growth and improvement. A bespoke intervention was designed to meet their needs and to drive business growth.
100% of SME’s reported that the intervention had met or exceeded expectation.
To address the current skills gap by engaging more effectively with SMEs to help them assess their training and business needs.
The provision of support and interventions to assist their development and growth.
Work as a catalyst for businesses and training providers to establish future training requirements and recommend qualifications and courses that may require development to ensure that relevant and suitable training is available to address future business needs across the NE.
Northumberland, Durham and Tyne and Wear.
April 2017 to March 2019.
Funding secured
£631,552 European Social Fund and Local Enterprise Partnership
£303,135 total profit for Client
The project was a fantastic success for the College and local business community. Through Nathan’s knowledge of the business sector, understanding of educational policy and ESF funding criteria he was able to do an excellent job of managing what was potentially a challenging project. The project exceeded all of our expectations and helped to strengthen the Colleges profile in the business community.
Warick Stephenson, Assistant Principal.